What Is A Method Statement In Construction

Nearly all Construction projects contain method statements, which are frequently used in combination with risk assessments for particular tasks and activities carried out during the project. However, what exactly is a method statement paper and why are they employed in construction?

In this blog post, you will learn about the basics of a method statement, its importance, and its difference with risk assessment. So, take a moment and read the following details. 

What Is A Method Statement?

A method statement is a detailed description of how a particular task or activity will be carried out, including the resources and processes involved. It is commonly used in construction and other industries to ensure that work is carried out in a safe, controlled, and efficient manner. 

A method statement outlines the steps that will be taken to complete a task, including any safety precautions, risk assessments, and quality control measures. It also provides a clear and concise understanding of the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the task and how they will be coordinated. 

The purpose of a method statement is to ensure that the task is carried out correctly, safely, and following industry regulations and standards.

When Should You Write A Method Statement?

A method statement should be written whenever a new task, activity or operation is to be carried out that has potential risks and hazards. Typically, it is written before the start of work and is used as a tool for planning, communication, and control. A method statement should be written for tasks such as:

  • Construction activities
  • Installation of equipment
  • Demolition works
  • Excavation works
  • Lifting operations
  • Hot works
  • Confined space entry
  • Working at height
  • Handling hazardous materials

It is important to note that method statements should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain up-to-date and accurate, taking into account any changes in the task, environment, or regulatory requirements. The method statement should be available on-site and readily accessible to all personnel involved in the task.

Difference Between a Method Statement and a Risk Assessment:

A method statement and a risk assessment are both important tools used in construction and other industries to ensure that work is carried out safely, efficiently, and under regulations. However, they serve different purposes:

  • A risk assessment is a systematic evaluation of the potential hazards and risks associated with a task or activity, and the measures that can be put in place to control or mitigate those risks. A risk assessment is a proactive step that is carried out before work begins, to identify and assess the potential risks and hazards and to determine the measures that need to be taken to control those risks.
  • A method statement, on the other hand, is a document that outlines the steps that will be taken to complete a task in a safe, controlled, and efficient manner. It includes details on the resources and processes involved, as well as the safety precautions and quality control measures that will be implemented. A method statement builds on the information gathered during the risk assessment and provides a clear and concise plan for carrying out the task.

Is Method Statement Important?

Yes, method statements are important in construction and other industries where work is carried out that has potential risks and hazards. Method statements play a crucial role in ensuring that work is carried out safely, efficiently, and under industry regulations and standards. The benefits of having a method statement include:

  • Improving safety.
  • Enhancing communication.
  • Better quality. 
  • Improving efficiency. 
  • Compliance with regulations. 

In summary, method statements are an important way to ensure that work is carried out safely, efficiently, and following industry regulations and standards.

The Bottom Line!

The top priority may be to ensure proper safety procedures. One technique you may use to reduce risks, maintain safe working conditions, and provide vital procedural information to your team is the usage of method statements. Still, if you are confused and want to know more about it, you can contact BUON Construction. They will definitely help you to understand this method.